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Excerpt from "How to Turn Your Ability Into Cash"

God knows His business. He makes no mistakes. Everything created by Him has a place, or it would not have
been created. You have a place. You are an individual. Your finger prints indicate this. Of all the millions of
finger prints on record, no two are alike. Your finger prints distinguish you. You are a complete entity possessed
with all the qualities and attributes to unfold into a perfect individual. You can-not imitate another's finger prints,
and neither can you ape another's ability. You must rely on your own. You must practice self-reliance.
What is self-reliance? It is relying on your own mental resources, judgment and ability to perform. It is absolute
trust in the integrity of your own mind. Integrity is the quality of being complete. It is the independence of
individuality and helps you to realize that no part of you can be separated from the whole of you. You have got
what it takes at any time or any place. All you have to do is to rely on it. Think, speak and act your latent
convictions and they shall be the means to influence all men. Self-reliance is the power to believe in your own
thought, and to act as if it were impossible to fail.

Earl Prevette - How to Turn Your Ability into Cash
Written by master salesman and successful author, Earl Prevette, How To Turn Your Ability Into Cash contains step-by-step instructions for controlling negative thoughts, getting the most out of your abilities and achieving your dreams. You’ll learn: <...>

Price: 5 USD Platform(s): Updated: 27.04.2009
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